vis.cid \'vis-*d\ \vis-'id-*t-e-\ \'vis-*d-le-\ aj [LL viscidus, fr. L viscum birdlime - more at VISCOUS] 1a: having an adhesive quality : STICKY 1b: having a glutinous consistency : VISCOUS 2: covered with a sticky layer - vis.cid.i.ty n
vis.cid \'vis-*d\ \vis-'id-*t-e-\ \'vis-*d-le-\ aj [LL viscidus, fr. L viscum birdlime - more at VISCOUS] 1a: having an adhesive quality : STICKY 1b: having a glutinous consistency : VISCOUS 2: covered with a sticky layer - vis.cid.i.ty n