Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. money                 
1. at \*t, (')at\ pp [ME, fr. OE t; akin to OHG az at, L ad] 1: - used 
   as a function word to indicate presence or occurrence in, on,  or near 
   {staying ~ a hotel} {~ a party} {sick ~ heart} 2: - used as a function word 
   to indicate the goal of an indicated or imp lied action or motion {aim ~ 
   the target} {laugh ~ him} {creditors are ~ him again} 3: - used as a 
   function word to indicate that with which one is occupied  or employed {~ 
   work} {~ the controls} {an expert ~ chess} 4: - used as a function word to 
   indicate situation in an active or passi ve state or condition {a criminal 
   ~ liberty} {~ rest)} 5: - used as a function word to indicate the means, 
   cause, or manner { sold ~ auction} {laughed ~ his joke} {act ~ your own 
   discretion} 6a: - used as a function word to indicate the rate, degree, or 
   position  in a scale or series {the temperature ~ 90} {~ first} 6b: - used 
   as a function word to indicate age or position in time {wil l retire ~ 65} 
   {awoke ~ midnight}
2. at \'a:t\ n or at [Siamese] pl