Webster's English Dictionary

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1. lay.er \'la--*r, 'le(-*)r\ \'la--*rd, 'le(-*)rd\ n 1: one that lays (as 
   a workman who lays brick or a hen that lays eggs)  2a: one thickness, 
   course, or fold laid by lying over or under another  2b: STRATUM  2c: 
   HORIZON  3a: a branch or shoot of a plant treated to induce rooting while 
   still atta ched to the parent plant 3b: a plant developed by layering  - 
   lay.ered aj
2. layer vt : to propagate (a plant) by means of layers  1: to separate 
   into layers  of a plant  2: to form roots where a stem comes in contact 
   with the ground