ure.ter or ure.ter.ic \yu.-'re-t-*r\ \-*-r*l\ \.yu.r-*-'ter-ik, yu.-'re-t-*-rik\ n [NL, fr. Gk oure-te-r, fr. ourein to urinate - more at U]RINE : a duct that carries away the urine from a kidney to the bladder or cloac a - ure.ter.al aj
ure.ter or ure.ter.ic \yu.-'re-t-*r\ \-*-r*l\ \.yu.r-*-'ter-ik, yu.-'re-t-*-rik\ n [NL, fr. Gk oure-te-r, fr. ourein to urinate - more at U]RINE : a duct that carries away the urine from a kidney to the bladder or cloac a - ure.ter.al aj