Webster's English Dictionary

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to \t*(-w), (')tu:\ pp [ME, fr. OE to-; akin to OHG zuo to, L donec as long 
   as, u]ntil 1a: - used as a function word to indicate movement or an action 
   or condi tion suggestive of movement toward a place, person, or thing 
   reached {drove ~ the city} {went back ~ his original idea} : or a place, 
   person, or thing not reached or not fully reached {turned his back ~ the 
   door} 1b: - used as a function word to indicate direction {a mile ~ th e 
   south} {a tendency ~ silliness} 1c: - used as a function word to indicate 
   contact or proximity  1d1: close against : ON {applied polish ~ the table}  
   1d2: before and straight at esp. in defiance {tell him ~ his teeth  -Shak.} 
   1e1: - used as a function word to indicate the place or point that is th e 
   far limit {100 miles ~ the nearest town} 1e2: - used as a function word to 
   indicate the limit or extent {stripp ed ~ the waist} 1f: - used as a 
   function word to indicate relative position {perpendic ular ~ the floor} 
   2a: - used as a function word to indicate purpose, intention, tendency,  
   result, or end 2b: for the purpose of : FOR {came ~ our aid}  2c: in honor 
   of : with all good wishes for {drink ~ his health> 2d: - used as a function 
   word to indicate the result of an action or a p rocess {broken all ~ 
   pieces} {go ~ seed} 2d 2: with the result of {~ their surprise, the train 
   left on time } 2e: - used as a function word to indicate a determined 
   condition or end  {sentenced ~ death} 2f: - used as a function word to 
   indicate the object of a right dr claim  {title ~ the property} 3a: - used 
   as a function word to indicate position or relation in time  3b: BEFORE 
   {five minutes ~ five}  3c: TILL {from eight ~ five}  4a: - used as a 
   function word to indicate addition, attachment, connecti on, belonging {the 
   key ~ the door}, possession, accompaniment, or response 4b: to the 
   accompaniment of {sang ~ his guitar}  4c: in response or reaction to {comes 
   ~ his call}  5: - used as a function word  51: - to indicate the extent or 
   degree (as of completeness or accuracy)  {loyal ~ a man} or the extent and 
   result (as of an action or a condition) {beaten ~ death} 52: - to indicate 
   the last or an intermediate opoint of a series {mode rate, cool 
   temperatures} 6a: - used as a function word  6a1: - to indicate a relation 
   to one that serves as a standard  6a2: - to indicate similarity, 
   correspondence, dissimilarity, or proport ion {compared him ~ a god} 6b: in 
   comparison with {inferior ~ earlier works}  6c1: - used as a function word 
   to indicate agreement or conformity {ad d salt ~ taste} 6c2: according to 
   {~ my knowledge}  6d: - used as a function word to indicate a proportion in 
   terms of numbe rs or quantities {400 ~ the box} 7a: - used as a function 
   word  7a1: - to indicate the application of an adjective or a noun 
   {agreeabl e ~ everyone} {attitude ~ friends} 7a2: - to indicate the 
   relation of a verb to its complement or to a comp lementary element {refers 
   ~ the traditions} {refers him ~ the traditions} 7a3: - to indicate the 
   receiver of an action or the one for which someth ing is done or exists 
   {spoke ~ his father} {gives a dollar ~ the man} {the total effect was a 
   gain ~ reading -Joseph Trenaman} and often used with a reflexive pronoun to 
   indicate exclusiveness (as of possession) or separateness {had the house ~ 
   themselves} {thought ~ himself} 7b: in the opinion of {~ him it seems 
   unnecessary}  7c: at the hands of : through the agency of  8: - used as a 
   function word to indicate that the following verb is an i nfinitive {wants 
   ~ go} {something ~ do} and often used by itself at the end of a clause in 
   place of an infinitive suggested by the preceding context {knows more than 
   he seems ~} {don't want ~}
2. to \'tu:\ av 1a: - used as a function word to indicate direction toward 
   {feathers w rong end ~} {run ~ and fro} 1b: close to the wind {the gale 
   having gone over, we came ~ -R.  H. Dana} 2a: into contact esp. with the 
   frame of a door or a window {the door sna pped ~} 2b: - used as a function 
   word to indicate physical application or attach ment {set ~ his seal} 3: - 
   used as a function word to indicate application or attention {wer e hungry 
   and fell ~ with a vengeance} 4: to a state of consciousness or awareness 
   {brings her ~ with sme lling salts} 5: at hand : BY {get to see 'em close ~ 
   -Richard Llewell yn}