Webster's English Dictionary

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1. that \(')that\ \(')tho-z\ pn or those [ME, fr. OE tht, neut. 
   demonstrative pron. & definite article; a] pl kin to OHG daz, neuter 
   demonstrative pron. & definite article, Gk to, L istud neut. demonstrative 
   pron. 1a: the person, thing, or idea indicated, mentioned, or understood 
   from th e situation {~ is my father} 1b: the time, action, or event just 
   mentioned {after ~ he went to  bed} 1c: the kind or thing specified as 
   follows {the purest water is ~  produced by distillation} 1d: one or a 
   group of the indicated kind {~'s a fox - wily  and destructive} 2a: the one 
   farther away or less immediately under observation or discussi on {those 
   are maples and these elms} 2b: the former one  3a: - used as a function 
   word after and to indicate emphatic repet ition of the idea expressed by a 
   previous word or phrase not necessarily a noun or noun equivalent {he was 
   helpful, and ~ to an unusual degree} 3b: - used as a function word 
   immediately before or after a word group c onsisting of a verbal auxiliary 
   or a form of the verb be preceded by there or a personal pronoun subject to 
   indicate emphatic repetition of the idea expressed by a previous verb or 
   predicate noun or predicate adjective {is he capable? He is ~} 4a: the one 
   : the thing : the kind : SOMETHING, ANYTHING  {the truth of ~ which is true 
   the senses are ~ whereby we experience the world what's ~ you say} pl  4b: 
   some persons {those who think the time has come}  : everything of the kind 
   indicated {tact, discretion, and all thatX} 1: in spite of what has been 
   said or implied  2: in addition : BESIDES  - all that 
2. that aj or those pl  1a: being the person, thing, or idea specified, 
   mentioned, or understood  1b: so great a : SUCH  2: the farther away or 
   less immediately under observation or discussion (this chair or ~ one}
3. that \th*t, (.)that\ cj 1a1: - used as a function word to introduce a 
   noun clause used esp. as t he subject or object of a verb or as a predicate 
   nominative {said ~ he was afraid} 1a2: - used as a function word to 
   introduce a subordinate clause anticip ated by an adverb or adverbial 
   phrase logically modifying the verb of the clause introduced by that {it 
   was there ~ I first met her} 1a3: - used as a function word to introduce a 
   subordinate clause that is  joined as complement or modifier to a noun or 
   adjective or is in apposition with a noun {we are certain ~ this is true} 
   {the certainty ~ this is true} {the fact ~ you are here} 1a4: - used as a 
   function word to introduce a subordinate clause modifyi ng an adverb or 
   adverbial expression {will go anywhere ~ he is} 1b: - invited used as a 
   function word to introduce an exclamatory clause  expressing a strong 
   emotion esp. of surprise, sorrow, or indignation {~ it should come to this 
   } 2a: - used as a function word to introduce a subordinate clause 
   expressi ng purpose, result, or cause {worked so hard ~ he became 
   exhausted} 2b: - used as a function word to introduce an exclamatory clause 
   express ing a wish {oh, ~ he would come} 3: - used as a function word after 
   a subordinating conjuction without mo difying its meaning {now ~ we have 
   the facts, let's decide} {if ~ thy bent of love be honorable -Shak.}
4. that \th*t, (.)that\ pn 1: - used as a function word to introduce a 
   relative clause and to serve  as a substitute within that clause for the 
   substantive modified by that clause {the house ~ Jack built} 2a: at which : 
   in which : on which : by which : with which : to  which {each year ~ the 
   lectures are given} 2b: according to what : to the extent of what - used 
   after a negative  {has never been here ~ I know of} archaic  3a: that which 
    obs  3b: the person who 
5. that \'that\ av : to such an extent {a nail about ~ long}