cer.vix \'s*r-viks\ \'s*r-v*-.se-z, (.)s*r-'vi--(.)se-z\ n or cer.vi.ces or cer.vix.es [L cervic-, cervix] pl 1: NECK; esp : the back part of the neck 2: a constricted portion of an organ or part; esp : the narrow oute r end of the uterus
cer.vix \'s*r-viks\ \'s*r-v*-.se-z, (.)s*r-'vi--(.)se-z\ n or cer.vi.ces or cer.vix.es [L cervic-, cervix] pl 1: NECK; esp : the back part of the neck 2: a constricted portion of an organ or part; esp : the narrow oute r end of the uterus