Webster's English Dictionary

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of \*v, before consonants also *; '*v, 'a:v\ pp [ME, off, of, fr. OE, adv. 
   & prep.; akin to OHG aba off, away, L ab] from, away, Gk apo 1: - used as a 
   function word to indicate a point of reckoning {north (R@ the lake} 2a: - 
   used as a function word to indicate origin or derivation {a man  ~ noble 
   birth} 2b: - used as a function word to indicate the cause, motive, or 
   reason <(died ~ flu} 2c: BY {plays ~ Shakespeare}  2d: on the part of {very 
   kind ~ him}  3: - used as a function word to indicate the component 
   material, parts,  or elements or the contents {throne ~ gold} {cup ~ water} 
   4a: - used as a function word to indicate the whole that includes the pa rt 
   denoted by the preceding word {most ~ the army} 4b: - used as a function 
   word to indicate a whole or quantity from which  a part is removed or 
   expended {gave ~ his time} 5a: relating to : ABOUT {stories ~ his travels}  
   5b: in respect to {slow ~ speech}  6: - used as a function word to indicate 
   belonging or a possessive relat ionship {king ~ England} 7: - used as a 
   function word to indicate separation {eased ~ pai n} 8a: - used as a 
   function word to indicate a particular example belonging  to the class 
   denoted by the preceding noun {the city ~ Rome} 8b: - used as a function 
   word to indicate apposition {that fool ~R a husband} 9a: - used as a 
   function word to indicate the object of an action denote d or implied by 
   the preceding noun {love ~ nature} 9b: - used as a function word to 
   indicate the application of a verb {c heats him ~ a dollar} or of an 
   adjective {fond ~ candy} 10: - used as a function word to indicate a 
   characteristic or distinctiv e quality or possession {a man ~ courage} 11a: 
   - used as a function word to indicate the position in time of an ac tion or 
   occurrence {died ~ a Monday} 11b: BEFORE {quarter ~ ten}  archaic  12: ON 
   {a plague ~ all cowards -Shak.}