Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. intention              2. close                 
1. end \'end\ \'en-d*d\ n [ME ende, fr. OE; akin to OHG enti and, L ante 
   before, Gk ]anti against 1a: the part of an area that lies at the boundary  
   1b1: a point that marks the extent of something  1b2: the point where 
   something ceases to exist {world without ~}  1c: the extreme or last part 
   lengthwise : TIP  1d: the terminal unit of something spatial that is marked 
   off by units  1e: a player stationed at the extremity of a line (as in 
   football)  2a: cessation of a course of action, pursuit, or activity  2b: 
   DEATH, DESTRUCTION  2c1: the ultimate state  2c2: RESULT, ISSUE  2d: the 
   complex of events, parts, or sections that forms an extremity, term 
   ination, or finish 3: something incomplete, fragmentary, or undersize : 
   REMNANT  4a: the goal toward which an agent acts or should act  4b: the 
   object by virtue of or for the sake of which an event takes place  5a: a 
   share in an undertaking  5b: a particular phase of an undertaking or 
   organization point or line beyond which something does not or cannot go. 
   END is the inclusive term, implying the final limit in time or space, in 
   extent of influence, or range of possibility; TERMINATION and ENDING apply 
   to the end of something having predetermined limits or being complete or 
   finished; ENDING often includes the portion leading to the actual final 
   point; TERMINUS applies commonly to the point to which one moves or 
   progresses - end.ed aj SYN syn END, TERMINATION, ENDING, TERMINUS mean the 
2. end vt 1a: to bring to an end  1b: DESTROY  2: to make up the end of  1: 
   to come to an end  2: DIE 
3. end vt [prob. alter. of E dial. in (to harvest)] dial Eng  : to put 
   (grain or hay) into a barn or stack