Webster's English Dictionary

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or.gan \'o.r-g*n\ n [ME, partly fr. OE organa, fr. L organum, fr. Gk 
   organon, lit]., tool, instrument; partly fr. OF organe, fr. L organum; akin 
   to Gk ergon work - more at WORK archaic  1a: any of various musical 
   instruments; esp : WIND INSTRUMENT  1b1: a wind instrument consisting of 
   sets of pipes made to sound by compres sed air and controlled by keyboards 
   and producing a variety of musical effects 1b2: REED ORGAN  1b3: an 
   instrument in which the sound and resources of the pipe organ are a 
   pproximated by means of electronic devices 1b4: any of various similar 
   cruder instruments  2a: a differentiated structure consisting of cells and 
   tissues and performi ng some specific function 2b: a bodily part performing 
   a particular function {the speech ~ s} 3: an instrumentality exercising 
   some function or accomplishing some end; (Xspecif : a governmental body 4: