ra.dix \'ra-d-iks\ \'rad-*-.se-z, 'ra-d-\ \'ra-d-ik-s*z\ n or ra.di.ces or ra.dix.es [L, root] pl 1: BASE 2: the primary source 3: the root of a plant 4: RADICLE; esp : a root of a cranial or spinal nerve
ra.dix \'ra-d-iks\ \'rad-*-.se-z, 'ra-d-\ \'ra-d-ik-s*z\ n or ra.di.ces or ra.dix.es [L, root] pl 1: BASE 2: the primary source 3: the root of a plant 4: RADICLE; esp : a root of a cranial or spinal nerve