Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pri.ma.ry \'pri--.mer-e-, 'pri-m-(*-)re-\ aj [LL primarius basic, 
   primary, fr. L, principal, fr. primus] 1a: first in order of time or 
   development : PRIMITIVE  1b: of or relating to formations of the Paleozoic 
   and earlier periods  2a: of first rank, importance, or value : PRINCIPAL  
   2b: BASIC, FUNDAMENTAL  2c: of, relating to, or constituting the principal 
   quills of a bird's wing  2d: of or relating to agriculture, forestry, and 
   the extractive industries  or their products 2e: expressive of present or 
   future time {~ tense}  2f: of, relating to, of constituting the strongest 
   of the three or four de grees of stress recognized by most linguists {the 
   first syllable of basketball carries ~ stress} 3a: DIRECT, FIRSTHAND  3b: 
   not derivable from other colors {~ color}  3c: preparatory to something 
   else in a continuing process {~ schoo l} 3d: belonging to the first group 
   or order in successive divisions, combina tions, or ramifications {~ 
   nerves} 3e: of, relating to, or constituting the inducing current or its 
   circuit i n an induction coil or transformer 4: resulting from the 
   substitution of one of two or more atoms or groups i n a molecule; esp : 
   being or characterized by a carbon atom united by a single valence to only 
   one chain or ring member
2. primary n [short for primary planet] 1: something that stands first in 
   rank, importance, or value : FUNDAME NTAL - usu. used in pl. 2: a planet as 
   distinguished from its satellites  3: one of the usu. 9 or 10 strong quills 
   on the distal joint of a bird's wi ng 4a: any of a set of colors from which 
   all other colors may be derived  4b: a primary-color sensation  5a: CAUCUS  
   5b: an election in which qualified voters nominate or express a preference  
   for a particular candidate or group of candidates for political office, 
   choose party officials, or select delegates for a party convention