Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. origin                
1. root \'ru:t, 'ru.t\ \-.li-k\ n [ME, fr. OE ro-t, fr. ON; akin to OE wyrt 
   root, L radix, G] often attrib k rhiza 1a: the usu. underground part of a 
   seed plant body that originates usu. fro m the hypocotyl, functions as an 
   organ of absorption, aeration, and food storage or as a means of anchorage 
   and support, and differs from a stem esp. in lacking nodes, buds, and 
   leaves 1b: any subterranean plant part (as a true root or a bulb, tuber, 
   rootstock , or other modified stem) esp. when fleshy and edible 2a: the 
   part of a tooth within the socket  2b: the enlarged basal part of a hair 
   within the skin  2c: the proximal end of a nerve  2d: the part of an organ 
   or physical structure by which it is attached to t he body {~ of the 
   tongue} 3a: an original cause or quality : SOURCE  3b: one or more 
   progenitors of a group of descendants  3c: an underlying support : BASIS  
   3d: the essential core : HEART  3e: close relationship with an environment 
   : TIE - usu. used in p l. 4a: a quantity taken an indicated number of times 
   as an equal factor {2 i s a fourth ~ of 16} 4b: a solution of a polynomial 
   equation in one unknown  5a: the lower part : BASE  5b: the part by which 
   an object is attached to something else  6: the simple element inferred as 
   the basis from which a word is derived by  phonetic change or by extension 
   (as composition or the addition of an affix or inflectional ending) 7a: the 
   tone from whose overtones a chord is composed  7b: the lowest tone of a 
   chord in normal position  - root.like aj
2. root vt 1a: to furnish with or enable to develop roots  1b: to fix or 
   implant by or as if by roots  2: to remove altogether often by force {~ out 
   dissenters}  1: to grow roots or take root  2: to have an origin 
3. root vb [ME wroten, fr. OE wro-tan; akin to OHG ruozzan to root] 1: to 
   turn up or dig in the earth with the snout : GRUB  2: to poke or dig about  
   : to root out 
4. root \'ru:t also 'ru.t\ vi [perh. alter. of 3rout] 1: to noisily applaud 
   or encourage a contestant or team : CHEER) M  2: to wish the success of or 
   lend support to someone or something  - root.er n