Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. temerity              
1. nerve \'n*rv\ \'n*rvd\ n [L nervus sinew, nerve; akin to Gk neuron 
   sinew, nerve, ne-n)X to spin - more at NEEDLE 1: SINEW, TENDON {strain 
   every ~}  2: one of the filamentous bands of nervous tissue connecting 
   parts of the n ervous system with the other organs and conducting nervous 
   impulses 3a: NERVE CENTER  3b: power of endurance or control : FORTITUDE, 
   STRENGTH  3c1: BOLDNESS, DARING  3c2: BRASS, GALL  4a: a sore or sensitive 
   point  pl  4b: nervous disorganization or collapse : HYSTERIA  5: VEIN  6: 
   the sensitive pulp of a tooth  - nerved aj
2. nerve vt : to give strength or courage to