Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cav.a.lier \.kav-*-'li(*)r\ n [MF, fr. OIt cavaliere, fr. OProv 
   cavalier, fr. LL caballariusX horseman, fr. L caballus 1: a gentleman 
   trained in arms and manege  2: a mounted soldier : KNIGHT  cap  3: an 
   adherent of Charles I of England  4: GALLANT 
2. cavalier aj 1: DEBONAIR  2: given to offhand dismissal of important 
   matters : DISDAINFUL  cap  3a: of or relating to the party of Charles I of 
   England in his struggles w ith the Puritans and Parliament 3b: ARISTOCRATIC 
    cap  3c: of or relating to the English Cavalier poets of the mid-17th 
   century  - cav.a.lier.ly av