Webster's English Dictionary

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1. knight \'ni-t\ n [ME, fr. OE cniht; akin to OHG kneht youth, military 
   follower, OE (Xcnotta knot 1a1: a mounted man-at-arms serving a feudal 
   superior; esp : a man c eremonially inducted into special military rank 
   usu. after completing service as page and squire 1a2: a man upon whom a 
   corresponding dignity has been conferred by a sovere ign 1a3: a person of 
   antiquity equal to a knight in rank  1b: a man devoted to the service of a 
   lady as her attendant or champion  1c: a member of any of various orders or 
   societies {Knight of the G arter} 2: a chess piece having a move of two 
   squares in any direction to a square  of the opposite color regardless of 
   whether the intervening squares are occupied
2. knight vt : to make a knight of