Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cap \'kap\ n [ME cappe, fr. OE cppe, fr. LL cappa head covering,] 
   often attrib cloak 1: a usu. tight-fitting covering for the head; esp : one 
   for men an d boys usu. with a visor and without a brim 2: a natural cover 
   or top : as  2a: an overlying rock layer usu. hard to penetrate  2b1: 
   PILEUS  2b2: CALYPTRA  2c: the top of a bird's head or a patch of 
   distinctively colored feathers i n this area 3a: something that served as a 
   cover or protection esp. for a tip, knob, or  end 3b: a fitting for closing 
   the end of a tube  3c: a layer of new rubber fused onto the worn surface of 
   a pneumatic tire  4a: a cardinal's biretta  4b: MORTARBOARD  5: an 
   overlaying or covering structure  6: a paper or metal container holding an 
   explosive charge 
2. cap vt or capped;  or cap.ping 1a: to provide or protect with or as if 
   with a cap  1b: to give a cap to as a symbol of honor or rank  2: to form a 
   cap over : CROWN  3a: to follow with something more noticeable or more 
   significant : OU TDO 3b: MATCH  3c: CLIMAX