Webster's English Dictionary

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1. in \(')in, *n, *n\ pp [ME, fr. OE; akin to OHG in in, L in, Gk en] 1a1: 
   - used as a function word to indicate special inclusion {swimming  ~ the 
   lake} 1a2: - used as a function word to indicate inclusion by something 
   immate rial {~ the summer} 1b: INTO {went ~ the house}  2: - used as a 
   function word to indicate means or instrumentality {wri tten ~ pencil} 3a: 
   - used as a function word to indicate a limitation or qualification  {alike 
   ~ some respects} {left ~ a hurry} 3b: INTO {broke ~ peices}  4: - used as a 
   function word to indicate purpose {said ~ reply> 5: - used as a function 
   word to indicate the larger member of a ratio (one ~ six is elegible}
2. in \'in\ av 1a1: to or toward the inside esp. of a house or other 
   building {come @} 1a2: to or toward some destination or particular place 
   {flew ~ on  the first plane} 1a3: at close quarters : NEAR {play close ~}  
   1b: into the midst of something so as to form a part {mix ~ the fl our} 
   1c1: to or at its proper place {fit a piece ~}  1c2: into line {fell ~ with 
   our plans}  2a: WITHIN  2b: in the position of participant, insider, or 
   officeholder  2c1: on good terms  2c2: in a specified relation {~ bad with 
   the boss}  2c3: in a position of assured or definitive success  2d: in 
   vogue or season  of an oil well  2e: in production  2f1: at hand  2f2: in a 
   completed or terminated state {after harvests are ~} 
3. in \'in\ aj 1a: that is located inside or within {the ~ part}  1b: that 
   is in position, operation, or power {the ~ party}  2: that is directed or 
   bound inward : INCOMING {the ~ trai n}
4. in \'in\ n 1: one who is in office or power or on the inside  2: