Webster's English Dictionary

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mar.quess or mar.quis or mar.quis.ate \'ma:r-kw*s\ \'ma:r-kw*s, ma:r-'ke-\ 
   \-kw*-s*z\ \-'ke-(z)\ \'ma:r-kw*-s*t\ \'ma:r-kw*-z*t, -s*t\ n or 
   mar.quess.es or mar.quis.es or mar.quis [ME marquis, markis, fr. MF 
   marquis, alter. of marchis,] pl  fr. marche march : a nobleman of 
   hereditary rank in Europe and Japan; specif : a me mber of the second grade 
   of the peerage in Great Britain ranking below a duke and above an earl - 
   mar.ques.sate n