Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. number                 1. . sec.ond or sec.ond.ly \'sek-*nd, -*nt, esp. before a consonant -*n, *n\ 
   aj [ME, fr. OF, fr. L secundus second, following, favorable, fr. sequi] to 
   follow - more at SUE 1a 2: being a type of grammatical declension or 
   conjugation conventionally  placed second in a sequential arrangement 1b: 
   next to the first in place or time {~ in line}  1c1: next to the first in 
   value, excellence or degree {the ~ man i n the department} 1c2: INFERIOR, : 
   SUBORDINATE  1d: ranking next below the top of a grade or degree in 
   authority or preced ence - used in titles {~ mate} 1e: alternate : other 
   {elects a mayor every ~ year}  1f: resembling or suggesting a prototype : 
   ANOTHER {a ~ Ca to} 1g: ingrained by discipline, training, or effort : 
   ACQUIRED {@ nature} 2: of or relating to a part in concerted or ensemble 
   music typically lower  in pitch than the first or to the player or singer 
   performing this part {~ violin} 1b: one that is next after the first in 
   rank, position, or other serial ord er {the ~ in line} 2: one who assists 
   or supports another; esp : the supporter of a du elist or pugilist 3a: the 
   musical interval embracing two diatonic degrees  3b: a tone at this 
   interval; specif : the second note or tone of a  scale : SUPERTONIC 3c: the 
   harmonic combination of two tones a second apart  4: an inferior article of 
   merchandise  5a: a second-in-command  5b: one having authority or 
   precedence next below the first in a grade or d egree 6: the act or 
   declaration by which a parliamentary motion is seconded  7: a place next 
   below the first (as in an examination, competition, or cont est) 8: the 
   second gear or speed in an automotive vehicle  pl  9: a second helping of 
   food  - second av
3. second n [ME secunde, fr. ML secunda, fr. L, fem. of secundus 
   second;]fr. its being the second sexagesimal division of a unit, as a 
   minute is the first 1: the 60th part of a minute of time or of a minute of 
   angular measure  2: an instant of time : MOMENT 
4. second vt 1a: to give support or encouragement to : ASSIST  obs  1b: to 
   serve as follower or retainer of : ATTEND, ACCOMPANY  1c: to support in 
   combat as reinforcement or second  2a: to support or assist in contention 
   or debate  2b: to endorse (a motion or a nomination) so that it may be 
   debated or vot ed on - sec.ond.er n