Webster's English Dictionary

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1. march \'ma:rch\ n [ME marche, fr. OF, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG marha 
   boundary - m]ore at MARK 1: a border region : FRONTIER  pl  2: the 
   borderlands between England and Scotland and England and Wales 
2. march vi : to have common borders or frontiers 
3. march vb [MF marchier to trample, march, fr. OF, to trample, prob. of 
   Gmc origin;]akin to OHG marco-n to mark 1: to move along steadily with a 
   regular measured stride esp. rhythmically  and in step with others 2a: to 
   move in a direct purposeful manner : PROCEED  2b: to make steady progress : 
   ADVANCE  1: to cause to march  2: to cover by marching : TRAVERSE 
4. march n 1a1: the action of marching  1a2: the distance covered within a 
   specific period of time by marching  1a3: a regular measured stride or 
   rhythmic step used in marching  1b: forward movement : PROGRESS  2: an 
   instrumental or vocal composition that is in duple rhythm (as 4 /4 time) or 
   triply compound rhythm (as 6/8 time) with a strongly accentuated beat and 
   that is designed or suitable to accompany marchingMarch \'ma:rch\ n [ME, 
   fr. OF, fr. L martius, fr. martius of Mars, fr. Mart-, (XMars : the 3d 
   month of the Gregorian calendar