Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. large                 
1. great \'gra-t, South also 'gre(*)t\ aj [ME grete, fr. OE gre-at; akin to 
   OHG gro-z large] 1a: large in size : BIG  1b: of a kind characterized by 
   relative largeness - used in plant and an imal names 1c: ELABORATE, AMPLE 
   {~ detail}  2a: large in number : NUMEROUS {~ multitudes}  2b: PREDOMINANT 
   {the ~ majority}  3: remarkable in magnitude, degree, or effectiveness {~ 
   bloodshed)> 4: full of emotion {~ with anger}  5a: EMINENT, DISTINGUISHED  
   5b: ARISTOCRATIC, GRAND {~ ladies}  6: long continued {~ while}  7: MAIN, 
   PRINCIPAL  8: more remote in a family relationship by a single generation 
   than a spec ified relative {great-grandfather} 9: markedly superior in 
   character or quality; esp : NOBLE (~ of soul} 10a: remarkably skilled {~ at 
   tennis}  10b: enthusiastic about {~ on science fiction}  11: - used as a 
   generalized term of approval {had a ~ time} (it was just ~} - great av
2. great n : one that is great