Cross references: 1. cynical miso.gy.nic \.mis-*-'jin-ik, -'gi--nik\ \m*-'sa:j-*-n*st\ \-*-ne-\ aj [misogyny, fr. Gk misogynia, fr. mis- + gyne- woman]- more at QUEEN : having or showing a hatred and distrust of women - mi.sog.y.nist n
Cross references: 1. cynical miso.gy.nic \.mis-*-'jin-ik, -'gi--nik\ \m*-'sa:j-*-n*st\ \-*-ne-\ aj [misogyny, fr. Gk misogynia, fr. mis- + gyne- woman]- more at QUEEN : having or showing a hatred and distrust of women - mi.sog.y.nist n