Webster's English Dictionary

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1. GI \(')je--'i-\ aj [galvanized iron; fr. abbr. used in listing such 
   articles as garbag]e cans, but taken as abbr. for government issue 1: 
   provided by an official U.S. military supply department  2: of, relating 
   to, or characteristic of U.S. military personnel  3: conforming to military 
   regulations or customs 
2. GI n : a member or former member of the U.S. armed forces; esp : an enl 
   isted man
3. GI \-'i-d\ \-'i--in\ vt or GI'd;  or GI'ing : to prepare for military 
   inspection by cleaning 
4. GI av : in strict conformity with military regulations or customs