1. queen \'kwe-n\ \-d*m\ \-.li-k\ \-le--n*s\ \-le-\ n [ME quene, fr. OE
cwe-n woman, wife, queen; akin to Goth qens] wife, Gk gyne- woman, wife 1a:
the wife or widow of a king 1b: the wife or widow of a tribal chief 2a: a
female monarch 2b: a female chieftain 3a: a woman eminent in rank, power,
or attractions 3b: a goddess or a thing personified as female and having
supremacy in a sp ecified realm 3c: an attractive girl or woman; esp : a
beauty contest winner 4: the most privileged piece in a set of chessmen
having the power to move as either a rook or a bishop 5: a playing card
picturing a queen 6: the fertile fully developed female of social bees,
ants, and termites wh ose function is to lay eggs 7: a mature female cat
slang 8: HOMOSEXUAL - queen.dom n
2. queen vi 1a: to act like a queen 1b: to put on airs - usu. used with
formulary it 2: to become a queen in chess : to promote (a pawn) to a
queen in chess