Webster's English Dictionary

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cyn.i.cal \'sin-i-k*l\ \-i(*-)le-\ aj 1: CAPTIOUS, PEEVISH  2: having the 
   attitude or temper of a cynic; esp : contemptously d istrustful of human 
   nature and motivesM mean deeply distrustful. CYNICAL implies having a 
   sneering disbelief in sincerity or nobility; MISANTHROPIC suggests a rooted 
   distrust and dislike of human beings in general and discomfort in their 
   society; PESSIMISTIC implies having a gloomy, distrustful view of life in 
   general and of the future; MISOGYNIC applies to a man having a deep-seated 
   distrust of and aversion to women - cyn.i.cal.ly av SYN syn CYNICAL,