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Cross references:
  1. irascible             
1. cross \'kro.s\ n [ME, fr. OE, fr. ON or OIr; ON kross, fr. (assumed) OIr 
   cross, fr.]L cruc- crux - more at RIDGE 1a: a structure consisting of an 
   upright with a transverse beam used esp. b y the ancient Romans for 
   execution often cap  1b: the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified  2: 
   an affliction that tries one's virtue, steadfastness, or patience  3: a 
   cruciform sign made to invoke the blessing of Christ esp. by touching  the 
   forehead, breast, and shoulders 4a: a device composed of an upright bar 
   traversed by a horizontal one; s pecif : one used as a Christian emblem cap 
    4b: the Christian religion  5: a structure (as a monument) shaped like or 
   surmounted by a cross  6: a figure or mark formed by two intersecting lines 
   crossing at their midp oints; specif : such a mark used as a signature 7: a 
   cruciform badge, emblem, or decoration  8: the intersection of two ways or 
   lines : CROSSING  9: THWARTING, ANNOYANCE {a ~ in love}  10a: an act of 
   crossing unlike individuals  10b: a crossbred individual or kind  10c: one 
   that combines characteristics of two different types or individual s 11a: a 
   fraudulent or dishonest contest  11b: dishonest or illegal practices - used 
   esp. in the phrase on the c ross 12a: a movement from one part of the stage 
   of a theater to another  12b: a hook crossed over the opponent's lead in 
   boxing  cap  13a: NORTHERN CROSS  13b: SOUTHERN CROSS 
2. cross vt 1a: to lie or be situated across  1b: INTERSECT  2: to make the 
   sign of the cross upon or over  3: to cancel by marking a cross on or 
   drawing a line through : strike ou t {~ names off a list ~ out portions of 
   a text} 4: to place or fold crosswise one over the other {~ the arms}  5a1: 
   to run counter to : OPPOSE, THWART  5a2: CONTRADICT  5b: to confront in a 
   troublesome manner : OBSTRUCT  5c1: to spoil completely : DISRUPT - used 
   with up {his n ot appearing ~ed up the whole program} 5c2: to turn against 
   : BETRAY  6a: to extend across : TRAVERSE  6b1: to go from one to the other 
   side of {~ a street}  6b2: to pass over on {~ a bridge}  7a: to draw a line 
   across  7b: to mark or figure with lines : STREAK  8: to cause (an animal 
   or plant) to interbreed with one of a different kin d : HYBRIDIZE 9: to 
   meet and pass on the way {our letters must have ~ed ea ch other} 10: to 
   carry or take across  1: to move, pass, or extend across something; specif 
   : to pass fro m one side of the theater stage to another - used with over 
   2: to lie or be athwart each other  3: to meet in passing esp. from 
   opposite directions  4: INTERBREED, HYBRIDIZE 
3. cross aj 1a: lying across or athwart  1b: moving across {~ traffic}  2a: 
   running counter : OPPOSING  2b: mutually opposed {~ purposes}  3: involving 
   mutual interchange : RECIPROCAL  4: marked by bad temper : GRUMPY  5: 
   extending over or treating several groups or classes {a cross-c ultural 
   perspective} 6: CROSSBRED, HYBRID  - cross.ly av
4. cross av : not parallel : CROSSWISE {to cross-wind wire}