Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ped.al \'ped-*l\ n [MF pedale, fr. It, fr. L pedalis, adj.] 1: a lever 
   acted on by the foot in the playing of musical instruments  2: a foot lever 
   or treadle by which a part is activated in a mechanism 
2. ped.al \'ped-*l also 'pe-d-\ \'ped-\ aj [L pedalis, fr. ped-, pes] 1: of 
   or relating to the foot  2: of, relating to, or involving a pedal 
3. ped.al \'ped-*l\ \'ped-*l-in, 'ped-lin\ vb or ped.aled also ped.alled;  
   also ped.al.ing;  also ped.al.ling 1: to use or work a pedal  2: to ride a 
   bicycle  : to work the pedals of