Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. measure               
1. foot \'fu.t\ \'fe-t\ \-.li-k\ n or feet also foot;  also foots [ME fot, 
   fr. OE fo-t; akin to L ped-, pes foot, Gk (] plXpod-, pous 1: the terminal 
   part of the vertebrate leg upon which an individual stands  2: an 
   invertebrate organ of locomotion or attachment; esp : a ventr al muscular 
   surface or process of a mollusk 3: any of various units of length based on 
   the length of the human foot; Xesp : a unit equal to 1/3 yard and 
   comprising 12 inches {a 10-foot pole} {6 feet tall} 4: the basic unit of 
   verse meter consisting of any of various fixed combina tions or groups of 
   stressed and unstressed or long and short syllables 5a: motion or power of 
   walking or running : STEP  5b: SWIFTNESS, SPEED  6: something resembling a 
   foot in position or use : as  6a: the lower end of the leg of a chair or 
   table  6b: one of the areas of the base of a piece of printing type  6c: a 
   piece on a sewing machine that presses the cloth against the feed  pl foot, 
   chiefly Brit  7: INFANTRY  8: the lower edge (as of a sail)  9: the lowest 
   part : BOTTOM  10: the end that is lower or opposite the head  pl but sing 
   or pl in constr  11: material deposited esp. in aging or refining : DREGS  
   - foot.like aj
2. foot vi 1: DANCE  2: to go on foot  3: to make speed : MOVE  1a: to 
   perform the movements of (a dance)  1b: to walk, run, or dance on, over, or 
   through  archaic  2a: KICK  2b: REJECT  archaic  3: ESTABLISH  4a: to add 
   up  4b: to pay or stand credit for  5: to make or renew the foot of (as a 