Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. habit                 
1. use \'yu:s\ n [ME us, fr. OF, fr. L usus, fr. usus, pp. of uti to use] 
   1a: the act or practice of employing something : EMPLOYMENT, APP LICATION 
   {put knowledge to ~} 1b: the fact or state of being used {a dish in daily 
   ~}  1c: a method or manner of employing or applying something : USAGE  2a1: 
   habitual or customary practice  2a2: an individual habit or group custom  
   2b: a liturgical form or observance; esp : a liturgy having modific ations 
   peculiar to a local church or religious order 3a: the privilege or benefit 
   of using something  3b: the ability or power to use something (as a limb or 
   faculty)  3c: the legal enjoyment of property that consists in its 
   employment, occupa tion, exercise, or practice 4a: a particular service or 
   end : OBJECT, FUNCTION  4b: the quality of being suitable for employment : 
   USEFULNESS, U TILITY 4c: the occasion or need to employ  5a: the benefit in 
   law of one or more persons; specif : the benefit  or profit of property 
   established in one other than the legal possessor 5b: a legal arrangement 
   by which such benefits and profits are so establish ed 6: ESTEEM, LIKING 
   {had no ~ for modern art} 
2. use \'yu:z\ \'yu:zd, in the phrase "used to" usually 'yu:s(t)\ 
   \'yu:-zin\ vb or used;  or us.ing 1: ACCUSTOM, HABITUATE, INURE  2: to put 
   into action or service : avail oneself of : EMPLOY  3: to consume or take 
   (as liquor or drugs) regularly  4: to carry out a purpose or action by 
   means of : UTILIZE  5: to expend or consume by putting to use  6: to behave 
   toward : act with regard to : TREAT {used t he prisoners cruelly} 1: to be 
   in the habit or custom of doing something  2: - used in the past with to to 
   indicate a former fact or state <(claims winters used to be harder}s a 
   means or instrument to an end; EMPLOY suggests the use of a person or thing 
   that is available because idle, inactive, or disengaged; UTILIZE may 
   suggest the discovery of a new, profitable, or practical use for something 
   SYN syn EMPLOY, UTILIZE: USE implies availing oneself of a