1. rum.ple \'r*m-p*l\ n : FOLD, WRINKLE 2. rumple \-p(*-)lin\ vb or rum.pling [D rompelen; akin to OHG rimpfan to wrinkle, L curvus curved]- more at CROWN 1: WRINKLE, CRUMPLE 2: to make unkempt : TOUSLE : to become rumpled
1. rum.ple \'r*m-p*l\ n : FOLD, WRINKLE 2. rumple \-p(*-)lin\ vb or rum.pling [D rompelen; akin to OHG rimpfan to wrinkle, L curvus curved]- more at CROWN 1: WRINKLE, CRUMPLE 2: to make unkempt : TOUSLE : to become rumpled