Webster's English Dictionary

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1. make \'ma-k\ \'ma-d\ vb or made;  or mak.ing [ME maken, fr. OE macian; 
   akin to OHG mahho-n to prepare,]make, OSlav mazati to anoint obs  1a: 
   BEHAVE, ACT  1b: to seem to begin (an action)  2a: to cause to happen to or 
   be experienced by someone  2b: to cause to exist, occur, or appear : CREATE 
   {~ a dist urbance} 2c: to favor the growth or occurrence of {haste ~s 
   waste}  2d: to fit, intend, or destine by or as if by creating {was made t 
   o be an actor} 3a: to bring into being by forming, shaping, or altering 
   material : F ASHION {~ a dress} 3b: COMPOSE, WRITE  3c: to lay out and 
   construct {~ a road}  4: to frame or formulate in the mind {~ plans}  5: to 
   put together from components : CONSTITUTE {house madeX of stone} 6a: to 
   compute or estimate to be  6b: to form and hold in the mind {~ no doubt of 
   it}  7a: to put together and set alight (a fire)  7b: to set in order : 
   PREPARE  7c: to shuffle (a deck of cards) in preparation for dealing  8: to 
   cut (hay) and spread for drying  9a: to cause to be or become {made himself 
   useful}  9b: APPOINT  10a: ENACT, ESTABLISH  10b: to execute in an 
   appropriate manner {~ a will}  10c: SET, NAME {~ a price}  11a: chiefly 
   dial : to make fast : SHUT  11b: to cause (an electric circuit) to be 
   completed  12a: to conclude as to the nature or meaning of {what to ~ of 
   his  actions} 12b: to regard as being {not the fool some ~ him}  13a: to 
   carry out (an indicated action) {~ war}  13b: to perform with a bodily 
   movement {~ a bow}  13c: to achieve by traversing {~ a detour} {mailman 
   making)X his rounds} 14a: to produce as a result of action, effort, or 
   behavior with respect to  something {~ a mess of the job} {tried to ~ a 
   thorough job of it} 14b: EAT {made a good breakfast}  archaic  14c: to turn 
   into another language by translation  15: to cause to act in a certain way 
   : COMPEL {~ him retur n} 16: to cause or assure the success or prosperity 
   of {anyone he takes a l iking to is made} 17a: to amount to in significane 
   {~s a great difference}  17b: to form the essential being of {clothes ~ the 
   man}  17c: to form by an assembling of individuals {~ a quorum}  17d: to 
   count as {~ a fourth at bridge}  18a: to be or be capable of being changed 
   or fashioned into {rags ~R the best paper} 18b: to develop into {she will ~ 
   a fine wife}  18c: FORM 5b  19a: REACH, ATTAIN - often used with it {you'll 
   neve r ~ it that far} 19b: to gain the rank of {~ major}  19c: to gain a 
   place on {~ the team}  20: to gain (as money) by working, trading, or 
   dealing  21a: to act so as to win or acquire  21b: to score (points) in a 
   game or sport  22a: to fulfill (a contract) in a card game  22b: to win a 
   trick with (a card)  23a: to include in a route or itinerary  23b: CATCH 
   {time to ~ the train}  24: to persuade to consent to sexual intercourse  
   archaic  1: to compose poetry  2a: BEHAVE, ACT  2b: to begin or seem to 
   begin a certain action {made as though to  hand it to me} 2c: to act so as 
   to be or to seem to be {~ merry}  slang  2d: to play a part {~ like a bird} 
    3: to set out : HEAD {made after the fox}  4: to increase in height or 
   size {the tide is making now}  5: to reach or extend in a certain direction 
    6: to have weight or effect : TELL {courtesy ~s for  safer driving} 7: to 
   undergo manufacture or processing {hay ~s better in sm all heaps} 
   MANUFACURE, FORGE mean to cause to come into being. MAKE may imply any such 
   action of producing or creating whether by an intelligent agency or blind 
   forces and resulting in either material or immaterial existence; FORM 
   implies a definite outline, structure, or design in the thing produced; 
   SHAPE suggests impressing a form upon some material; FASHION suggests the 
   use of inventive power or ingenuity; FABRICATE suggests a making of many 
   parts into a whole and often implies an ingenious inventing of elaborate 
   falsehood; MANUFACTURE implies making repeatedly by a fixed process and 
   usu. by machinery; FORGE implies a making or effecting by great physical or 
   mental effort : to distort one's features : GRIMACE  1: to carry off  2: 
   VENTURE, DARE  : to show hesitation, uncertainty, or scruple {makes no 
   bones)X about his dislike} : to accept bets at calculated odds on all the 
   entrants in a race or cont est : OGLE  : to make valid or complete {made 
   good his escape} : as  : to make up for (a deficiency)  : INDEMNIFY {make 
   good the loss}  : to carry out (a promise or prediction) : FULFILL  : PROVE 
   {make good a charge}  : SUCCEED  : to make use of offered opportunity esp. 
   in gaining an early advantage  1: to make progress esp. against resistance  
   2: to rise in armed revolt  3: to build up pressure (as in a steam boiler)  
   1: WOO, COURT  2a: NECK, PET  2b: to engage in sexual intercourse  : 
   DISCLOSE  1: to raise or spread sail  2: to set out on a voyage  1: to 
   travel fast  2: to gain time  3: to make progress toward favor {trying to 
   make time with the wai tress} 1: to proceed at a walk or run  2: to go in a 
   hurry : run away : FLEE  of a boat  1: LEAK  2: URINATE  1: to open or give 
   room for passing or entering : fall back or move asid e 2: to make progress 
    slang  : PRODUCE, PERFORM - usu. used with the and in place  of the 
   idiomatic verb {start making with the answers} {making with the tears} - 
2. make n 1a: the manner or style in which a thing is constructed  1b: the 
   origin of a manufactured article  2: the physical, mental, or moral 
   constitution of a person  3a: the action of producing or manufacturing  3b: 
   the actual yield or amount produced over a specified period : OUTP UT 4: 
   the declaration of trumps in an early form of bridge  5: the closing or 
   completing of an electric circuit  6: the act of shuffling cards; also : 
   turn to shuffle  1: in the process of forming, growing, or improving  2: in 
   quest of a higher social or financial status  3: in search of sexual 
   adventure  - on the make