Webster's English Dictionary

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1. crown \'krau.n\ n [ME coroune, crowne, fr. OF corone, fr. L corona 
   wreath], crown, fr. Gk koro-ne; akin to Gk koro-nos curved, L curvus, MIr 
   cruind round 1: a reward of victory or mark of honor; esp : the title 
   representi ng the championship in a sport 2: a royal or imperial headdress 
   or cap of sovereignty : DIADEM  3: the highest part : as  3a: the topmost 
   part of the skull or head  3b: the summit of a mountain  3c: the head of 
   foliage of a tree or shrub  3d: the part of a hat or other headgear 
   covering the crown of the head  3e: the part of a tooth external to the gum 
   or an artificial substitute for  this 4: a wreath, band, or circular 
   ornament for the head  5: something resembling a wreath or crown  often cap 
    6a1: imperial or regal power : SOVEREIGNTY  cap  6a2: the government under 
   a constitutional monarchy  6b: MONARCH  7: something that imparts splendor, 
   honor, or finish : CULMINATION  8a: any of several old gold coins with a 
   crown as part of the device  8b: an English silver coin worth five 
   shillings  8c: a size of paper usu. 15 x 20 in.  9a: a unit of value 
   equivalent to the value of a crown  9b1: KORUNA  9b2: KRONA  9b3: KRONE  
   9b4: KROON  10a: the region of a seed plant at which stem and root merge  
   10b: the thick arching end of the shank of an anchor where the arms join it 
2. crown vt [ME corounen, fr. OF coroner, fr. L coronare, fr. coronaX 1a: 
   to place a crown or wreath upon the head of; specif : to inves t with regal 
   dignity and power : ENTHRONE 1b: to recognize officially as  2: to bestow 
   something upon as a mark of honor or recompense : ADORN)M 3: SURMOUNT, TOP; 
   esp : to top (a checker) with a chec ker to make a king 4: to bring to a 
   successful conclusion : CLIMAX  5: to provide with something like a crown : 
   as  5a: to fill so that the surface forms a crown  5b: to put an articicial 
   crown upon (a tooth)  6: to hit on the head