Webster's English Dictionary

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1. wrin.kle \'rin-k*l\ \-k(*-)le-\ n [ME, back-formation fr. wrinkled 
   twisted, winding, prob. fr. OE gewrin]clod, pp. of gewrinclian to wind, fr. 
   ge-, perfective prefix + -wrinclian (akin to wrencan to wrench) - more at 
   CO- 1: a small ridge or furrow esp. when formed on a surface by the 
   shrinking o r contraction of a smooth substance : CREASE; specif : one in 
   the skin esp. when due to age, care, or fatigue 2a: METHOD, TECHNIQUE; also 
   : information about a metho d : HINT 2b: an innovation in method, 
   technique, or equipment  - wrin.kly aj
2. wrinkle \-k(*-)lin\ vb or wrin.kling : to become marked with or 
   contracted into wrinkles  : to contract into wrinkles : PUCKER