Webster's English Dictionary

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sub.tle \'s*t-*l\ \'s*t-l*r, -*l-*r\ \'s*t-l*st, -*l-*st\ \'s*t-*l-n*s\ 
   \'s*t-le-, -*l-(l)e-\ aj or sub.tler;  or sub.tlest [ME sutil, sotil, fr. 
   OF soutil, fr. L subtilis, lit.,]finely woven, fr. sub- + tela web; akin to 
   L texere to weave - more at TECHNICAL 1: DELICATE, REFINED  2: mentally 
   acute : KEEN  3a: highly skillful : EXPERT  3b: cunningly made or contrived 
   : INGENIOUS  4: ARTFUL, CRAFTY {a ~ rogue}  5: operating insidiously {~ 
   poisons}  - sub.tle.ness n