Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. choice                
1. del.i.cate \-k*t\ aj [ME delicat, fr. L delicatus delicate, addicted to 
   pleasure; akin t]o L delicere to allure 1: pleasing to the senses :  1a: 
   generally pleasant  1b: pleasing to the sense of taste or smell esp. in a 
   mild or subtle way  1c: marked by daintiness or charm of color, lines, or 
   proportions  2: marked by keen sensitivity or fine discrimination : as  2a: 
   FASTIDIOUS  2b: SQUEAMISH  2c: SCRUPULOUS  3a: marked by minute precision  
   3b: exhibiting extreme sensitivity  4: precariously balanced  5a: marked by 
   meticulous technique or operation or by execution with adroi t finesse 5b: 
   marked by fineness of structure, workmanship, or texture  5c1: easily torn 
   or hurt  5c2: WEAK, SICKLY  5d: marked by fine subtlety {~ irony}  5e: 
   marked by tact; also : requiring tact  - del.i.cate.ly av
2. delicate n obs  1: DELIGHT, LUXURY  archaic  2: a table delicacy