Webster's English Dictionary

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  1. sharp                 
acute \*-'kyu:t\ aj [L acutus, pp. of acuere to sharpen, fr. acus needle; 
   akin to] L acer sharp - more at EDGE 1: ending in a sharp point : as  1a: 
   measuring less than 90 degrees {~ angle}  1b: composed of acute angles  2a: 
   marked by keen discernment or intellectual perception esp. of subtle d 
   istinctions : PENETRATING 2b: responsive to slight impressions or stimuli 
   {~ observer}  3: of a kind (as in intensity) to act keenly on the senses; 
   esp :  characterized by sharpness or severity {~ pain} 4: having a sudden 
   onset, sharp rise, and short course {~ disease)> 5: seriously demanding 
   urgent attention : CRITICAL  of an accent mark  6a: having the form <accent 
   acute>  6b: marked with an acute accent  6c: of the variety indicated by an 
   acute accent as to outcome. ACUTE stresses intensification of need, or 
   symptoms, or conflicting emotions to a culmination or breaking point; 
   CRITICAL adds to ACUTE implications of imminent change, of attendant 
   suspense, and of decisiveness in the outcome; CRUCIAL suggests a dividing 
   of the ways and often a test or trial involving the determination of a 
   future course or direction - acute.ly av SYN syn ACUTE, CRITICAL, CRUCIAL 
   mean full of uncertainty