Webster's English Dictionary

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an.a.lyt.ic \.an-*l-'it-ik\ \-i-k*l\ \-k(*-)le-\ \.an-*l-*-'tis-*t-e-\ aj 
   [LL analyticus, fr. Gk analytikos, fr. analyein] 1: of or relating to 
   analysis or analytics; esp : separating somet hing into component parts or 
   constituent elements 2: skilled in or using analysis {a keenly ~ man}  3: 
   not synthetic; esp : logically necessary : TAUTOLOGOUS  {~ truth} 4: 
   characterized by analysis rather than inflection  5: PSYCHOANALYTIC  6: 
   treated or treatable by or using the methods of algebra and calculus 
   rather than geometry - an.a.lyt.i.cal aj