Webster's English Dictionary

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in.to \.in-t*(-w), 'in-(.)tu:\ pp [ME, fr. OE into-, fr. 2in + to- to] 1a: 
   to the inside of {came ~ the room}  1b: - used as a function word to 
   indicate entry, introduction, insertion , or inclusion {enter ~ an 
   alliance} 2a: to the state, condition, or form of {got ~ trouble}  2b: to 
   the occupation, action, or possession of {go ~ farming}  3: - used as a 
   function word to indicate a period of time or an extent o f space part of 
   which is passed or occupied {far ~ the night} 4: in the direction of 
   {looking ~ the sun}  5: to a position of contact with : AGAINST {ran ~ a 