Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. artificial            
1. syn.thet.ic \sin-'thet-ik\ \-i-k*l\ \-k(*-)le-\ aj [Gk synthetikos of 
   composition, component, fr. syntithenai to put t]ogether 1: relating to or 
   involving synthesis  2a: attributing to a subject a predicate that is not 
   part of the meaning o f that subject 2b: EMPIRICAL  2c: not resulting in a 
   contradiction upon being negated  of a language  3: characterized by 
   frequent and systematic used of inflected grammatical  forms 4a: produced 
   artificially : MAN-MADE {~ dyes} {~  drugs} {~ silk} 4b: devised, arranged, 
   or fabricated for special situations to imitate or  replace usual realities 
   4c: FACTITIOUS, BOGUS  - syn.thet.i.cal aj
2. synthetic n : a product of chemical synthesis