Webster's English Dictionary

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truth \'tru:th\ \'tru:thz, 'tru:ths\ n or truths [ME trouthe, fr. OE 
   tre-owth fidelity; akin to OE tre-owe)] plX faithful - more at TRUE archaic 
    1a: FIDELITY, CONSTANCY  1b: TRUTHFULNESS, HONESTY  2a1: the state of 
   being the case : FACT  2a2: the body of real things, events, and facts : 
   ACTUALITY  often cap  2a3: a transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality  
   2b: a judgment, proposition, or idea that is true or accepted as true {R@s 
   of thermodynamics} 2c: the body of true statements and propositions  3a: 
   agreement with fact or among true facts or propositions  chiefly Brit  3b: 
   TRUE  3c: fidelity to an original or to a standard  cap, Christian Science  
   4: GOD apply to an ideal abstraction conforming to a universal or 
   generalized reality or it may represent a quality of statements, acts, or 
   feelings of adhering to reality and avoiding error or falsehood; VERACITY 
   implies rigid and unfailing observance of truth; VERITY suggests the 
   quality of a thing that is exactly what it purports to be or is in complete 
   accord with the facts; VERISIMILITUDE implies the quality of an artistic or 
   literary representation that causes one to accept it as true to life or to 
   human experience : in accordance with fact : ACTUALLY  - in truth  SYN syn