Webster's English Dictionary

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1. than \th*n, (')than\ cj [ME than, then then, than - more at THEN] 1a: - 
   used as a function word to indicate the second member or the membe r taken 
   as point of departure in a comparison expressive of inequality; used with 
   comparative adjectives and comparative adverbs {is older ~ I} {easier said 
   ~ done} 1b: - used as a function word to indicate difference of kind, 
   manner, or  identity; used esp. with some adjectives and adverbs that 
   express diversity {anywhere else ~ at home} 2: rather than - usu. used only 
   after prefer, preferable, an d preferably 3: other than  4: WHEN - used 
   esp. after scarcely and hardly 
2. than pp : in comparison with