Webster's English Dictionary

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arith.me.tic or ar.ith.met.i.cal \*-'rith-m*-.tik\ \.ar-ith-'met-ik\ 
   \-i-k*l\ \-k(*-)le-\ \*-.rith-m*-'tish-*n\ n [ME arsmetrik, fr. OF 
   arismetique, fr. L arithmetica, fr. Gk]arithme-tike-, fr. fem. of 
   arithme-tikos arithmetical, fr. arithmein to count, fr. arithmos number; 
   akin to Gk arariskein to fit 1a: a branch of mathematics that deals with 
   real numbers and computations with them 1b: a treatise on arithmetic  2: 
   COMPUTATION, CALCULATION  - ar.ith.met.i.c aj