Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. sum                   
1. num.ber \'n*m-b*r\ n [ME nombre, fr. OF, fr. L numerus - more at NIMBLE] 
   1a1: a sum of units : TOTAL  1a2: COMPLEMENT  1a3: an indefinite usu. large 
   total  pl  1a4: a numerous group : MANY; also : a numerical prepondera nce 
   1b1: the characteristic of an individual by which it is treated as a unit o 
   r of a collection by which it is treated in terms of a determinate unit of 
   units 1b2: a unit belonging to an abstract mathematical system and subject 
   to spe cified laws of succession, addition, and multiplication; also : an 
   element (as p) of any of many mathematical systems obtained by extension of 
   or analogy with the natural number system pl  1b3: ARITHMETIC  2: a 
   distinction of word form to denote reference to one or more than one;  also 
   : a form or forms so distinguished pl  3a1: metrical structure : METER  
   3a2: metrical lines : VERSES  archaic  3b: musical sounds : NOTES  4a: a 
   word, symbol, letter, or combination of symbols representing a number ; 
   specif : NUMERAL 4b: a numeral or combination of numerals or other symbols 
   used to identify  or designate 4c1: a member of a sequence or collection 
   designated by esp. consecutive nu mbers; also : an individual singled out 
   from a group 4c2: a position in a numbered sequence  5: insight into a 
   person's ability or character {had his ~}  pl but sing or pl in constr  6a: 
   a form of lottery in which bets are placed on numbers regularly publish ed 
   in newspapers for other purposes 6b: POLICY  1: in unison to a specific 
   count or cadence  2: in a systematic, routine, or mechanical manner  - by 
   the numbers 
2. number \'n*m-b(*-)rin\ \'n*m-b(*-)r*-b*l\ \-b*r-*r\ vb or num.ber.ing 1: 
   COUNT, ENUMERATE  2: to claim as part of a total : INCLUDE  3: to restrict 
   to a definite number  4: to assign a number to  5: to comprise in number : 
   TOTAL  1: to comprise a total number  2: to call off numbers in sequence  - 
   num.ber.able aj