Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. rely                  
1. count \'kau.nt\ \-*-b*l\ vb [ME counten, fr. MF compter, fr. L 
   computare, fr. com-]+ putare to consider 1a: to indicate or name by units 
   or groups to find the total number of uni ts involved : NUMBER 1b: to name 
   the numbers in order up to and including {~ ten}  1c: to include in a 
   tallying and reckoning {about 100 present, ~Xing children} 2a: CONSIDER, 
   ACCOUNT {~ oneself lucky}  2b: ESTIMATE, ESTEEM  2c: to record as of an 
   opinion or persuasion {~ me as uncommitted)> 3: to include or exclude by or 
   as if by counting {~ me in}  1a: to recite or indicate the numbers in order 
   by units or groups {~)R by fives} 1b: to count the units in a group  2a: 
   DEPEND {a man you can ~ on}  2b: to take something into consideration {~ed 
   on being prese nt} 3: ADD, TOTAL  4: to have value or significance  - 
   count.able aj
2. count n 1: the act or process of counting; also : a total obtained by 
   count ing : TALLY archaic  2a: RECKONING, ACCOUNT  2b: CONSIDERATION, 
   ESTIMATION  3a: ALLEGATION, CHARGE; specif : one separately stating  the 
   cause of action or prosecution in a legal declaration or indictment {guilty 
   on all ~s} 3b: a specific point under consideration : ISSUE  4: the total 
   number of individual things in a given unit or sample {blood  ~} 5: the 
   calling off of the seconds from one to ten when a boxer has been kno cked 
3. count n [MF comte, fr. LL comit-, comes, fr. L, companion, one of the] 
   imperial court, fr. com- + ire to go - more at ISSUE : a European nobleman 
   whose rank corresponds to that of an English earl