Webster's English Dictionary

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1. fit \'fit\ n [ME, fr. OE fitt; akin to OS fittea division of a poem, OHG 
   fizz]a skein archaic  : a division of a poem or song 
2. fit or by fits and starts n [ME, fr. OE fitt strife] 1a: a stroke of a 
   disease producing convulsions or unconsciousness : P AROXYSM 1b: a sudden 
   but transient attack of a physical disturbance  2: a sudden burst or flurry 
   (as of activity)  3: an emotional outburst  : in an impulsive and irregular 
   manner  - by fits 
3. fit aj or fit.ter;  or fit.test [ME; akin to ME fitten] 1: adapted to an 
   end or design : APPROPRIATE {water ~ for  drinking} 2: BECOMING, PROPER  
   3a: READY, PREPARED  3b: APT, DISPOSED {~ to jump overboard}  4: QUALIFIED, 
   COMPETENT  5: sound physically and mentally : HEALTHY ING, APT, HAPPY, 
   FELICITOUS: FIT stresses adaptability and sometimes special readiness for 
   use or action; SUITABLE implies an answering to requirements or demands; 
   MEET suggests a just proportioning; PROPER suggests a suitability through 
   essential nature or accordance with custom; APPROPRIATE implies eminent or 
   distinctive fitness; FITTING implies harmony of mood or tone; APT connotes 
   a fitness marked by nicety and discrimination; HAPPY suggests what is 
   effectively or successfully appropriate; FELICITOUS suggests an aptness 
   that is opportune, telling, or graceful : angry or irritated  - fit.ly av 
4. fit vb or fit.ted also fit;  also fit.ting [ME fitten, fr. or akin to MD 
   vitten to be suitable; akin to OHG Xfizza skein 1: to be suitable for or to 
   : BEFIT  2a: to be correctly adjusted to or shaped for  2b: to insert or 
   adjust until correctly in place  2c: to make a place or room for  3: to be 
   in agreement or accord with {the theory ~s all the  facts} 4a: to put into 
   a condition of readiness : PREPARE  4b: to bring to a required form and 
   size : ADJUST  4c: to cause to conform to or suit something else  5: 
   SUPPLY, EQUIP  archaic  1: to be seemly, proper, or suitable  2: to conform 
   to a particular shape or size  3: to be in harmony or accord : BELONG  - 
   fit.ter n
5. fit n 1a: the quality, state, or manner of being fitted or adapted  1b: 
   the degree of closeness with which surfaces are brought together in an  
   assembly of parts 2: a piece of clothing that fits 
6. fit  dial past of FIGHT