Webster's English Dictionary

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1. at.ten.u.ate \*-'ten-y*-.wa-t\ \*-.ten-y*-'wa--sh*n\ vb [L attenuatus, 
   pp. of attenuare to make thin, fr. ad- + te]nuis thin - more at THIN 1: to 
   make thin or slender  2: to lessen the amount, force, or value of : WEAKEN  
   3: to reduce the severity, virulence, or vitality of  4: to make thin in 
   consistency : RAREFY  : to become thin, fine, or less  - at.ten.u.a.tion n
2. at.ten.u.ate \*-'ten-y*-w*t\ aj 1: ATTENUATED  2: tapering gradually 
   usu. to a long slender point {~ leaves}