Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. worth                  2. appreciate             3. estimate              
1. val.ue \'val-(.)yu:, -y*-w\ \-(.)yu:d\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. (assumed) VL 
   valuta, fr. fem. of valutus, pp. of L] often attrib  vale-re to be worth, 
   be strong 1: a fair return or equivalent in goods, services, or money for 
   something e xchanged 2: the monetary worth of something : marketable price  
   3: relative worth, utility, or importance : degree of excellence  4a: a 
   numerical quantity assigned or computed  4b: precise signification {~ of a 
   word}  5: the relative duration of a musical note  6a: relative lightness 
   or darkness of a color : LUMINOSITY  6b: the relation of one part in a 
   picture to another with respect to lightn ess and darkness 7: something 
   intrinsically valuable or desirable  8: DENOMINATION  9: the distinctive 
   character or quality of a speech sound  - val.ued aj
2. value \-y*-w*r\ vt 1a: to estimate or assign the monetary worth of : 
   APPRAISE {~  a necklace} 1b: to rate or scale in usefulness, importance, or 
   general worth : EV ALUATE 2: to consider or rate highly : PRIZE, ESTEEM 
   {valuedX friendship} - val.u.er n