Webster's English Dictionary

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1. blus.ter \'bl*s-t*r\ \'bl*s-t(*-)rin\ \-t*r-*r\ vb or blus.ter.ing [ME 
   blustren, prob. fr. MLG blu:steren] 1a: to blow in stormy noisy gusts  1b: 
   to be windy and boisterous  2: to talk and act with noisy swaggering 
   threats  1: to utter with noisy self-assertiveness  2: to drive or force by 
   blustering  - blus.ter.er n
2. bluster \-t(*-)r*s\ \-t(*-)re-\ n 1: a violent boisterous blowing  2: 
   violent commotion  3: boastful empty speech  - blus.ter.ous aj