Webster's English Dictionary

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1. blow \'blo-\ \'blu:\ \'blo-n\ vb or blew;  or blown or blow.ing [ME 
   blowen, fr. OE bla-wan; akin to OHG bla-en to blow,] L flare, Gk phallos 
   penis of air  1: to move with speed or force  2: to send forth a current of 
   air or other gas  3a: to make a sound by or as if by blowing  of a wind 
   instrument  3b: SOUND  4a: BOAST  4b: STORM, BLUSTER  5a: PANT, GASP  of a 
   cetacean  5b: to eject moisture-laden air from the lungs through the 
   blowhole  6: to move or be carried by or as if by wind  of an electrical 
   fuse  7: to melt when overloaded  of a tire  8: to release the contained 
   air through a spontaneous rupture  1a: to set (gas or vapor) in motion  1b: 
   to act upon with a current of gas or vapor  2: to play or sound on (a wind 
   instrument)  3a: to spread by report  3b: DAMN, DISREGARD {~ the expense}  
   4a: to drive with a current of gas or vapor  4b: to clear of contents by 
   forcible passage of a current of air  5a: to distend with or as if with gas 
    5b: to produce or shape by the action of blown or injected air {~(Xing 
   bubbles} {~ing glass} of insects  6: to deposit eggs or larvae on or in  7: 
   to shatter, burst, or destroy by explosion  8a: to put out of breath with 
   exertion  8b: to let (as a horse) pause to catch the breath  9a: to spend 
   (money) recklessly  9b: to treat with unusual expenditure {I'll ~ you to a 
   steak}  10: to cause (a fuse) to blow  11: to rupture by too much pressure 
   {blew a gasket}  slang  12: MISPLAY, MUFF  13: to leave esp. hurriedly 
   {blew town}  : to be favorable at one moment and adverse the next  - blow 
   hot and cold 
2. blow n 1: a blowing of wind esp. when strong or violent : GALE  2a: 
   BOASTING, BRAG  slang  2b: BOASTER  3: an act or instance of blowing from 
   the mouth or nose or through or from  an instrument 4a: the time during 
   which air is forced through molten metal to refine it  4b: the quantity of 
   metal refined during that time 
3. blow \'blu:\ \'blo-n\ vi or blew;  or blown or blow.ing [ME blowen, fr. 
   OE blo-wan; akin to OHG bluoen to bloom, L] flore-re to bloom, flor-, flos 
   flower : FLOWER, BLOOM 
4. blow n 1: a display of flowers  2: BLOOM 
5. blow n [ME (northern dial.) blaw] 1: a forcible stroke delivered with a 
   part of the body or with an instrumen t 2: a hostile act or state : COMBAT 
   {come to ~s}  3: a forcible or sudden act or effort : ASSAULT  4: a severe 
   and usu. sudden calamity